详细信息 Product Name: Oscilloscope Trademark: total Product Description Hongkong and Shanghai Total Co., Ltd. is producing oscilloscope, handheld digital storage oscilloscope, portable digital storage oscilloscope, oscillometer, digital oscillometer, signal generator, function generator, function signal generator, DDS function generator, digital direct composite function generator, frequency counter, intelligent frequency counter,digital frequency counter, bench top multimeter, bench-top multimeter, Bench-Type Digital Multimeter, bench top DMM, bench-top DMM, bench DMM, true RMS Bench Digital Multimeter, spectrum analyzer, semiconductor curve tracer, stabilizer, voltage stabilizer, DC power supply, switching power supply.SUMMARIZE : ST16A is a general protable oscilloscope. It has completed synchronizing system and X inputmodel , suitable to use in school lab and on production line.APPLICATION : Suitable to use in school lab and on production line.MAIN FUNCTION : CHARACTERISTIC : 1.Display: 3 inch screen2.Bandwidth: DC - 10Mhz-3dB3.Deflection factor: 5mV/div - 5V/div±5%4.Rise time: ≤35ns5.Sweep tate: 0.1us/div - 0.1s/div5%±%6.Trigger modes: (Auto Norm TV)7.Trigger source: (INT EXT LINE)8.Trigger sensitivity: INT:0.3Vp-PEXT: Less than 0.3Vp-p9.Cal.Signal: Voltage 0.5Vp-p±2% Frequency: 1KHz±2%DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT : Model: ST16ADimensions: 130×200×300Weight: 4 kg SUMMARIZE : HZ4318 is an ideal general purpose oscilloscope easy to operate . It offers twosepatating Y channels , enabling simultaneously to measure two signals , suitable to usein school lab and on production line.APPLICATION : suitable to use in school lab and on production line.CHARACTERISTIC : 1.Display: Dual-channel display,rectangular screenwi thinternal graduaton2.Bandwidth: DC - 20Mhz-3dB3.Deflection factor: 5mV/div - 5V/div±5% Mag: Imv/div±10%4.Rise time: ≤17ns5.Sweep tate: CH1,CH2,ALT; CHOP,ADD6.Trigger modes: 0.2us/div - 0.2s/div5%±%7.Trigger modes: Auto Norm : TV-H TV-V8.Trigger source:INT(CH1,CH2VERT) , EXT, LINE9.Trigger sensitivity: INT less than ldiv,EXT less than 0.5V10.Model(CH1-X,CH2-Y) Bandwidth: DC-1MHz-3dB11.Cal.Signal: Voltage 2Vp-p±2% Frequency: 1KHz±2%DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT : Model: HZ4318Dimensions: 310×130×170Weight: 7 Kg SUMMARIZE : HZ4338 is an ideal general purpose oscilloscope easy to operate . It offers twosepatating Y channels , enabling simultaneously to measure two signals , suitable to usein school lab and on production line.APPLICATION : suitable to use in school lab and on production line.CHARACTERISTIC : 1.Display: Dual-channel display,rectangular screenwi thinternal graduaton2.Bandwidth: DC - 40Mhz-3dB3.Deflection factor: 5mV/div - 5V/div±5% Mag: Imv/div±10%4.Rise time: ≤9ns5.Sweep tate: CH1,CH2,ALT; CHOP,ADD6.Trigger modes: 0.2us/div - 0.2s/div5%±%7.Trigger modes: Auto Norm : TV-H TV-V8.Trigger source:INT(CH1,CH2VERT), EXT, LINE9.Trigger sensitivity: INT less than ldiv,EXT less than 0.5V10.Model(CH1-X,CH2-Y) Bandwidth: DC-1MHz-3dB11.Cal.Signal: Voltage 2Vp-p±2% Frequency: 1KHz±2%